Friday, June 17, 2022

Happy National Mascot Day

 June 17th is National Mascot Day!  Our mascots come in all different shapes, sizes and breeds.  In sports alone, we get bears, Chickens, baseballs, Phanaticas and whatever the hell Gritty is.  They play to crowds and amuse children, bringing joy to millions.  Unfortunately, it’s too hot to break out my mascot outfit to celebrate so instead we watched Girls Nite Out.  Girls Nite Out centers on a sorority’s annual scavenger hunt which takes place over two autumn nights.  As the sisters hunt for items, someone in a mascot costume is hunting them.  As the body count rises and stories of Dickie Cavanugh spread, campus security officer Jim MacVey is determined to stop the killings and catch Dickie but is it actually an escaped mental patient?  Are short shorts cool?  Do you trust guys nicknamed Maniac?  Read the blog and watch Girls Nite Out for the answers to these and many more (too many?) burning questions.


JON:  Did you know Al Maguire, who plays the coach, was a real basketball coach?  He won a National Championship at Marquette.

SANDY:  I did not know that, but it makes sense since he wasn't a very good actor. He definitely seemed like someone who was acting like a basketball coach though.

JON:  He was exactly as good an actor as he needed to be.  Can you imagine there was a time when it was ok to smoke in a hospital?

SANDY:  I can imagine it, though it seems absolutely fucking bananas to me.

JON:  Do we want action or no?

SANDY:  Always, sucka. Except when we only want to hide somewhere in total isolation, which in my case is roughly 94% of the time.

JON:  What’s a basketball game without action?  Of course we want action.  Did they get the mascot outfit at a dollar store?  

SANDY:  Hahaha, hey.... Benson made that himself in Arts & Crafts 101. He tried his best, Jon!

JON:  He’s at best the 3rd best Benson I can think of off the top of my head.  Definitely behind Robert Guillame and Benson and Hedges.  Short or long shorts for men? 

SANDY:  WHO WEARS SHORT SHORTS? HE WEARS SHORT SHORTS! I want men to wear shorts so short their balls might randomly fall out of the leg holes at any moment.

JON:  As someone who lived through the last time short shorts were cool, I say hell no.  No one, including you, really wants to see that fad come back.  Does he make an asshole of himself in the bear suit? 

SANDY:  I'm guessing he makes an asshole out of himself both in and out of the bear suit. I think it's just the nature of frat boys in movies especially. 

JON:  If you have sex with your second cousin and it hurts to sit down after, did you do it right? 

SANDY:  The very first part of that sentence negates the possibility of anything written after it being right in any way. "If you can't keep it in your pants, keep it in your family" was something my cousin once said to me as a joke, HOWEVER, don't do that. No fucking family members.

JON: Aren’t we all related on some genetic level though?  So we need to establish a line at some point hers was second cousin.  Cleave the Beaver? 

SANDY:  Hahaha, I liked "Lions and Tigers and Beavers, oh my!" But seriously though, yeah, chop that shit to bits. Gore it up!

JON:  I don’t think Ward and June would approve.  Is there a horror movie job that ensures your death anymore than gravedigger? 

SANDY:  What other movies have gravediggers been killed in that it feels like a guaranteed death sentence to you? I'm drawing a blank.

JON:  I can only think of one movie where they survive and that’s Halloween.  Otherwise, if you see a cemetery employee of any kind, don’t get too attached.  How good of a murder plan is burying the bodies in an already dug grave? 

SANDY:  It actually seems pretty smooth, as long as the grave isn't being dug for a funeral the next day or something.

JON:  Does Maniac look like Jeff Spicoli’s older brother Warren? 

SANDY:  I had to look that name up because I had no idea who the fuck you were talking about. I've seen Fast Times At Ridgemont High, I just rarely remember names from movies. And yes, he does! Haha!

JON:  I went through a period of time during which I wanted to be Jeff Spicoli then this morning I woke up wanting to be Tommy Chong.  Do you believe in magic?  That song was stuck in my head for weeks after the first time I saw this movie. 

SANDY:  I was stuck singing the Summer in the City song, but I do like Do You Believe in Magic as well.

JON:  Are those guys definitely strange? 

SANDY:  I'm not even sure which guys you're referring to, but I'm going to go ahead and say yes.

JON:  How cute are Teddy and Maniac together? 

SANDY:  Oh man, I love those two. The effing costumes they went to the party together in?! What a great couples costume idea! With one alteration... it should really be a dom walking someone in a gimp suit.

JON:  Is Ralph Where’s Waldo’s brother? 

SANDY:  I. FUCKING. LOVE. RALPH. I wasn't getting Waldo vibes from him, but he was definitely my favorite character from the whole movie.

JON:  Do you think it’s possible that weed will become so mainstream that it’s no longer a guaranteed horror movie death? 

SANDY:  Yes! Didn't it give EXTRA strength to the dude in Idle Hands? Wait... he was already dead though. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, sex is pretty mainstream but that always seems to be an absolute death sentence in any horror film.

JON:  Sex, especially pre-marital, is such an easy boogeyman though.  I’m thinking weed being as mainstream as cigarettes used to be.  No one dies in horror movies from a Marlboro.  Save the alligator… eat a preppie? 

SANDY:  I am totally drawing a blank on the alligator reference, but I'm all for eating preppies.

JON: Preppies loved their polo style shirts and aside from Polo the other big company was Izod and their mascot was an alligator stitched on the breast.   Do you have love in your tummy?  What does love in your tummy feel like?  Is it just code for jizz?  Yummy yummy I got jizz in my tummy? 

SANDY:  I think it's supposed to be code for the excitement butterflies that happen when you're crushing on someone, but you can't taste those. Though I've never encountered someone who actually thought jizz tasted "yummy".

JON: I don’t think you’re running in the right crowds then.  “Let’s go drink some women”? 

SANDY:  Like p*ssy juice? Or like slit their throats and drink their blood?

JON: I took it to mean breast milk but who knows?  Maybe frat boys are all vampires.  How soon did you start to wonder how this movie afforded all these song rights?

SANDY:  I didn't think about that at all actually, but I was digging the soundtrack.

JON: Does the killer need the mascot outfit more than Benson?  Couldn’t he have just asked?

SANDY:  It definitely would have been wayyyyy more polite of the killer to just ask for the outfit, but I doubt Benson would have parted with it willingly.

JON:  No, Benson seemed to enjoy being a mascot to give it up but maybe a simple threat would have worked.  Or a promise to bring it back and have it laundered.  Is “How come you act like such an ass when you’re drunk?” a necessary question?

SANDY:  I would say no, but I'm not a ditzy blond college girl. That chick was one of the blond ones, ja?

JON: Weren’t they all ditzy blonde girls?  Ever had a dutch oven?

SANDY:  Yes, but only because I've accidentally done it to myself.

JON:  I was referring to the pot but jeez, what kind of lunatic farts under their sheets and smells it themselves?  Again with the man going to check the noise?  Isn’t it chauvinistic?

SANDY:  I mean, she ASKED him not to go, and then went out after him. So no.

JON:  It is absolutely reinforcing archaic gender roles.  From now on, I am all for the woman going to check the noise.  Did Mike get a black eye from a slap?  

SANDY:  Yes. Makes me wish someone had slapped him in his useless saggy dick.

JON:  He deserved to be slapped for what he said but his girlfriend was hooking up with another guy right in front of him.  His rage was kind of justified.  How much class does Hal Holbrook add to a movie?

SANDY:  All the class that's in this movie belongs to him.

JON:  Is there only one part of Teddy Ratliff that is going to grow?

SANDY:  No, this is false. His hair and fingernails will most likely continue to grow until he dies. I believe we keep growing skin too, as we shed old dead skin like a muthafukkin' lizard.

JON:  Does your baby do the hanky panky?

SANDY:  I don't have a baby, Jon. BUT if I did, they'd be doing the HENKE panky... aaaahhhhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa.

JON:  Ugh.  If you had a PO box how often would you check it?

SANDY:  Oh, that's easy. The answer is never. I would never check it. Actually... do I already have a PO box somewhere? I'm going to say I don't.

JON: I lived right across the street from mine and checked it once a month at best.   Does this DJ just play the same songs over and over?

SANDY:  They blew the music budget on 3 songs, so that's what he's got to work with.

JON:  Or maybe he just really likes those 3 songs and he assumes there’s only 4 people listening and just does the show so he can hear his favorite songs.  I always thought that was what DJs did anyway.  How terrifying would it be for the last thing you see to be a shitty bear mascot costume?

SANDY:  I feel like it would be both terrifying and pretty confusing. Not as terrifying as an angry deer chasing you through the woods though.

JON:  I’d take the deer over the mascot.  You can punch the deer and it’ll run away.  A mascot wouldn’t even feel a punch.  Is it a first date if only one of you knows it?

SANDY:  I think that's how all of my first dates have worked?

JON: I think that’s how you get restraining orders.  Isn’t it MacVey’s job to investigate clues and not the DJ’s?

SANDY:  Maybe the DJ was just really bored. Afterall, he only had three songs to play.

JON:  Was Benson really that much of a catch?

SANDY:  Benson was a borderline Furry rapist. So no.

JON:  I didn’t really get rapist from him.  He was more nerdy guy hiding in a costume hoping that he would find a furry lover of his own.  Who do you think is killing everyone?

SANDY:  I totally thought it was Mike Pryor at first, even though I also thought that would be the "too obvious" choice.

JON:  I assumed it was going to be Maniac especially with the way they presented him as an important character in the beginning and then he just disappeared.  “Dickie Cavanaugh you bastard. You’re locked away.”?

SANDY:  Hahaha, that was a great line with an even greater delivery. Fucking Hal Holbrook.

JON:  Which is a more important distinction- shoes vs. sneakers or recent manicure or not?

SANDY:  Shoes versus sneakers for sure. Can't climb a tree in some smooth-soled lady boots.

JON: But you wouldn’t want to climb a tree if your nails weren’t on point.   Do you automatically assume the guy with the nickname “Maniac: is the killer?

SANDY:  I wondered about that briefly, but he really didn't strike me as anything other than a heartbroken sad fella. Which is exactly what he was. Poor Maniac.

JON:  Did you assume Benson’s first name was Benson?

SANDY:  No, I thought they were just calling him by his last name like they do so often in movies when guys are referring to each other. As if using someone's first name makes you a p*ssy.

JON:  That’s far from something that only guys do.  I get it as often from women as men.  It’s definitely not because we think it makes you a pussy to use someone;s first name.  Are they really treating anyone that was at that party as credible witnesses?  They were all annihilated.

SANDY:  No one at that party is going to be able to help with being witnesses to anything.

JON:  Except for giving directions to the keg.  How lame is “I’m listening to this” as an excuse to not fool around?

SANDY:  Hahaha, it's pretty lame. And pretty suspicious, honestly.

Friday, June 10, 2022

Happy National Movie Night!

 June 10th is National Movie Night!  If ever there was a day for this blog, this is it.  Celebrate and watch movies?  That’s us, and we couldn’t think of a better movie to watch than Fade To Black.  Eric Binford is movie obsessed.  He constantly quotes movies, spouts movie trivia, talks like characters and watches movies non-stop. One year, he went to 3 movies every day and didn’t miss a day.  When Eric meets Marilyn, who bears a passing resemblance to Marilyn Monroe, he is obviously smitten.  He convinces her to go on a date with him but when she forgets about the date and stands him up, Eric begins a rapid downward spiral into mayhem and murder.  Can Eric be stopped?  Are mummies scary?  Watch Fade To Black tonight and read the blog to find out.


Jon: Is Eric’s aunt competent to care for anything living?

Alison: Is she the most obnoxious aunt ever? Eric clearly has put up with this for a long time.

Jon: She very well could be the most obnoxious “aunt” ever.  She’s among the most obnoxious characters in movies.  The way she bounces between denigration, mocking and infrequent affection is really damaging.  Has she looked at herself lately? Hell would be an improvement.

Alison: To be fair, he does look awful.

Jon: Is it at all appropriate to remind Eric that his “sweet” mother died giving birth to him as part of criticizing him?

Alison: Of course not. She’s actively creating a serial killer.

Jon: Is movie trivia worthless information?

Alison: No. No, not at all.

Jon: Well thank goodness.  Does anyone treat Eric with any respect?

Alison: No. I feel bad for him initially because everyone is just yelling at him and he seems like a sweet kid.

Jon: Does Dr. Moriarty have a “thick skull for an Irishman”?

Alison:That really confused me until I realized the chief’s name is Gallagher. It’s still super old-timey racist though. Would you like your office to be in the former drunk tank, Jon?

Jon: I wouldn’t be opposed as long as it remained the former drunk tank.  If they started putting drunks in there, I’m out.  Would you flirt with Dr. Moriarty?

Alison: Noooooo. Porn stache is not my thing.

Jon: Remember the Scarsdale Diet? Do you remember it for anything other than a murder?

Alison: I do remember it and no, not for anything other than murder.

Jon: It was basically a high protein, low carb, fad diet.  You only get 1,000 calories a day and one of the meals is a lot of steak and vegetables.  That murder was 42 years ago.  Does Eric’s diet make you gag?

Alison: It's pretty bad but entirely appropriate for his character.

Jon: How do you guess the Wolfman from green and slimy as a hint?

Alison: From watching too many Marilyn Monroe movies and not enough Universal Monsters. How surprisingly good is Eric’s game?

Jon: It wasn’t that great.  He got to drive her home but he wasn’t memorable enough for her to not go on a date with someone else and forget about her date with Eric.  Does Marilyn lick her lips an inordinate number of times?

Alison: Maybe? I guess it’s part of the Marilyn schtick. I mean I’m impressed. By the way, how obviously jealous is her friend?

Jon: I didn’t see her as jealous so much as possessive and overprotective.  She’s basically Marilyn’s mom.  Is “Life just one damn thing after another”?

Alison: Yes. That’s pretty much how it goes until you’re dead.

Jon: Well aren’t you just a ball of cheer.  Is Dr. Moriarty the coolest guy to ever play the harmonica?

Alison: Nope. The bump at the end is very interesting!

Jon: The lie detector determined that was a lie.  Dr. Moriarty is in fact the coolest harmonica player.  What do you suppose they were using the Ritz Cracker for in the bed?

Alison: Saving a snack for later. Was that right after his cocaine-fueled harmonica performance? Doesn't that… prevent… performance?

Jon: Nope.  Maybe long term but in the immediate aftermath I think it might be no worse than neutral.  That’s why we have hooker and blow parties.  Would you join the “Snatch Squad?”

Alison:I am already a card-carrying member. You do not want to see our official flag.

Jon: I designed that flag.  Does Eric only smoke because he sees it in the movies?

Alison: Yes. I think he was born without a personality so he had to learn how to “people” from movies.

Jon: If your name is Marilyn should you be a platinum blonde?

Alison: I think so. If I think about a brunette Marilyn it doesn’t seem right. How freaked out are you if you get “you’ll always be mine” from someone you definitely don’t know?

Jon: No more freaked out than when we got the letter written by a child talking about being a “raepist of mothers.” Why did Marilyn blow Eric off for that tool?

Alison: She’s an airhead. By the way, that guy she’s on a date with is absolutely also the blind date guy from Singles, only ten years earlier. The one the girl’s roommate ends up with. Where does watching someone get stood up fall on the cringe scale?

Jon: Just below watching someone not be able to get a hard on but above premature ejaculation.  How deflating is it to get rejected by a hooker?

Alison: Yo I could not wait for her to die. She was so fucking rude.

Jon: Do you believe Aunt Stella is sorry?

Alison: I had the exact same question written. So, no, she is not. Is there something super sexually abuse-y going on with Eric and Stella too?

Jon: I didn’t get a lot of sexual abuse but she more than made up for that in emotional abuse.  Is Eric’s entire life based on what he sees in movies?

Alison: Yes. He cannot function without the persona he has learned and developed. Would you hire Cody Jarret for your kids’ face painting party?

Jon: As long as he paints all the faces to look like Eric’s creepy ass Hopalong Cassidy mask then I’m all in.  Does a priest need a limo?

Alison: If he is an asshole, I guess. I don’t even know how they get paid. Was that the most embellished eulogy ever?

Jon: Aren’t all eulogies embellished?  You rarely hear someone get up there and talk about what a brutal asshole Stella was and how she destroyed Eric.  It’s always platitudes and fondness,  Does God still believe in Eric?

Alison: Nnnnnnope.

Jon: Is that the only time book burning is appropriate?

Alison: Why? Don’t you believe carrots can make you well, Jon?

Jon: No I don’t.  Carrots are loud and gross and don’t get me started on carrot cake.  That’s not a cake.  That’s secret health food.  Has a crazy person ever been so crazy that they made you think you were the crazy one?

Alison: Yes. I have unfortunately met a lot of crazy people.

Jon: I married one of them.  Is Marilyn taking her very slight resemblance to Marilyn Monroe too far?

Alison: Apparently that’s what that actress was known for, so I guess it makes sense for the character to take it to a strange level. How did Eric find where Marilyn lives? Did he just want her autograph?

Jon: He knew where she worked so I would imagine he just followed her home to get her autograph while she took a shower.  The Psycho elements were fun.  Why would you run away from your car?

Alison: Because you’re a dumb mean hooker.

Jon: Why is she running at all?

Alison: Same answer. Again, how did he know where to find her?

Jon: Again, he knew where she worked and probably followed her.  The hooker’s death isn’t a murder though.  How cool are you if you steal prizes from a carnival?

Alison:You’re a total dick, actually. Does it take a special actor to make you care for the antihero?

Jon: That and a special script.  Why is Richie obsessed with Eric?

Alison: He secretly thinks he’s hot.

Jon: More overalls???

Alison: Yes. And the most frightening Hopalong Cassidy ever. Whyyyyyy does Richie not run away with his friend?

Jon: Because it would ruin his tough guy image.  Does James Luisi always play a cop who doesn’t want outside help?

Alison: Yes, and I say that not really knowing who he is but totally knowing I’ve seen him in this role before. 

Jon: I’m thinking The Rockford Files specifically but I feel like everything I’ve ever seen him in he plays a stressed out cop who resents you and will vehemently reject your help.

Alison: Are cops paid to suspect everybody and capture nobody?

Jon: Those are the primary job responsibilities of the movie cop. Is the actor who plays Gary Bially Chevy Chase’s brother Mercedes Chase?

Alison: Hahhahaha. I have written here, is Gary Bially the most delicious producer ever? 

Jon: No Gary Bagel is way more delicious.

Alison: How grossed out by payphones are you now? I can’t believe I ever used those. 

Jon: I miss payphones.  They were gross and got very expensive if you needed to talk for more than 3 minutes and often were out of order but there’s the draw of nostalgia.

Alison: Where did Eric get an actual Tommy gun? 

Jon: It was probably just lying around his house.  

Alison: Why does Gary Bially not think he’s part of “everybody” when Eric says “everybody out?”

Jon: Gary Bially was so accustomed to being treated as somebody important that he forgot he was part of everybody.  “She’s dead you jerk”?

Alison: She sure is!

Jon: Why does Marty want Eric’s ass?

Alison: That's such a problematic phrase.

Jon: Does a mummy really need a flashlight?

Alison: I was wondering what the hell was going on there. Is Eric a convincing mummy? I think he pulls off each character amazingly well.

Jon: He should be good at it.  He probably watched the movie dozens of times.  Has anyone ever been more scared of a mummy than Marty?

Alison: That’s the reaction everyone had to those monsters. The whole backing away and falling over shit thing. What drug do you think Eric is feeding Marilyn?

Jon: Probably some late 70s version of Ruhipnol.  Is Stacy Marilyn’s friend or her mom?

Alison: Ah yes, quaaludes. She’s her mousy friend. Seriously, how terrible are Marilyn’s instincts?

Jon: I think her instincts are overwhelmed by her ambition.  I think deep down she knew going to the “photographer” late at night was a bad idea but the opportunity was too good.  So Stella lied to Eric his whole life?

Alison: Apparently. That’s what happened to Ted Bundy too. This is a classic serial killer setup. How much fun do you think Dennis Christopher had being this character?

Jon: I would imagine that role was a lot of fun to play.  Is cutting through the gas station parking lot really knowing a shortcut?

Alison: Not really. Shortcut implies a longer distance, not one directional change. What part of “don’t shoot unless he shoots” did that guy not understand?

Jon: I blame the order more.  Don’t shoot unless he does is a good way to get shot.  If it were me, I would have done the same thing.  Is “Binford you’re out of your fucking mind” going to convince anyone to drop a gun?

Alison: Seemed like a strange tactic to me. Is Gallagher there to help Binford?

Jon: If by help you mean throw him in jail for the rest of his life, then yes.  How subtle is calling Dr. Moriarty Sherlock?

Alison: Hahahahaah not at all subtle. Did Binford ultimately get exactly what he wanted?

Jon: Based on his love for Cody Jarrett, he got exactly what he wanted.  If you are that obsessed with movies, you should get to die the same way as your favorite character does, 


Pay off your debts.

Don't forget about your date.

Love movies but recognize the difference between life and art.

Merry Christmas Part 4!!

  As we prepare to ring in a new year, we have one final Christmas movie.  In Christmas Evil , Harry Stadling is obsessed with Christmas and...